Tuesday, July 21, 2009


The poster is done and just needs to be double-checked for correctness. The final part of my paper is taking a little longer than I wanted but ideally it should be up by the end of the day today.

B. F. Pons

Saturday, July 18, 2009


Hello everybody, its been a busy day!

I first did some comments on the other U.Discover Scholar's blogs, then started working on my poster. While looking for pictures, I came across 2 new articles which I read and one new book (really new, as in published a month and a half ago) which I ordered off interlibrary loan. After that, I went back to my poster. Fairly productive day if I do say so myself.

On that note, I posted the link to my Poster in progress. I have only one more bubble block to finish which corresponds to the rest of what I want to work on for my paper. I'm planning on me, more or less, being done by Monday.

B. F. Pons

Friday, July 17, 2009

Paper Update

I finished making corrections to the rough draft that I had posted. I am still working on the other sections but I just wanted to touch up what I had so far. Right now, the 4 sections are 5,200ish words. Hopefully, I will get a lot done during the weekend and will have more additions to post.

B. F. Pons

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Update - Formal/Informal Rules of Video Games

Just to let you all know, I updated with the next section of my paper. I am now up to about 4,860 words so yippie!

B. F. Pons

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Change of Plans

Hello all,

Even though I did not accomplish what I said and hoped I would but I want to assure you all that it was not spent in vain. I read a new book that I got from the library and a new article I received from interlibrary loan. Moreover, I worked on my presentation for next week's meeting and my condensed paper I plan on submitting for publication. So even though I haven't done much writing, I still have been working diligently on my project for U.Discover.

B. F. Pons

Monday, July 6, 2009

Outline Update

Just to let everyone know, the finished detailed outline is up! I've been working all day so I think I'm going to relax for a bit. Either by tomorrow or Wednesday, I plan to have the rule section finished and if I am super-ambitious, I might be able to finish the section about refining what type of ethics are we dealing with when it comes to video games. Once this is done, I will start working on my presentation, which I have to give for the other U.Discover scholars during next week's lunch-time meeting.

Wish me luck,

B. F. Pons

"It's a trick question. The bread is poisoned. Also, it's not your real family. You've been cuckolded by a stronger, smarter male."

In response to the question: "Would you steal bread to feed your family?"
"It's a trick question. The bread is poisoned. Also, it's not your real family. You've been cuckolded by a stronger, smarter male."
-Dwight K. Schrute

A little out of place, I realize this, but over the July 4th Weekend, I was able to catch up on some The Office episodes I missed during the school year. I just loved this quote from the episode "Business Ethics" so much that I had to post it.

Back to this blog, I would just like to update with the fact that I am re-reading through the articles I have with a more focused mission of what I am looking for. I am doing this for my current task of adding quotes and arguments from these articles into a detailed, yet not very organized or good looking, outline at the bottom of my paper. Though this is taking a little longer than I expected, I realize that it will be worth the work in the long run. I figure, since I already have 2,000 words, I do not have to worry about the length of my draft, so I can focus in on what I want to say. Moreover, with all the articles cited and quoted, when I have a chance to go back to my paper, there will be not much left to do. All I will have to do is connect the points together and add my own analysis. It will be very useful so I have everything I want to say in front of me with little notes of how I want to say it. And, I won't have to worry about seeing something later one that I want to add to the article but now don't have a place to put it.

After the outline, I am planning on finishing the section on the formal and informal rules in a video game. So expect updates on when the outline and/or the next section has been finished and uploaded to the link.

B. F. Pons

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Midnight Update

Just wanted to let everyone know that I updated my paper today. But with this update, I have good news and bad news. Good news, I finished almost everything I wanted to say about the magic circle. Bad news, it's now up to 2,000 words. The reason this apparent good news is bad relates to the fact that I have only really delved into one mini-section of many on which I wanted to touch. Granted, I knew I would write more than 8-9 pages and I was planning on writing one major paper then condensing that into something for U.Discover, but I did not anticipate the paper to get this big, this quickly. So for this reason, I am currently planning on refocusing my presentation topic to something more like...

Rules of the Magic Circle: Ethical Judgments of Two Worlds.


Rules of the Magic Circle: Can We Make Ethical Judgments in a Virtual World?

Just a brainstorm idea for a title. Essentially, I will answer the same question I came in with, "how can cheating be unethical in a virtual world," but I will answer it in a different context. Instead of focusing on the ethical judgment of cheating, whether cheating itself can be ethical or not, I will look towards how a video game can be an "ethical body." (A term I use in my paper. Haven't read it...shame on you). Using the concept of the magic circle as well as the formal and informal rules of a game I will establish that a video game has certain codes which ought to be followed, similar to moral codes which we follow on a day to day basis. Moreover, I will also discuss the relationship of virtual ethics to our real ethics, for instance with cheating.

I know that this new topic does not have much to do with cheating specifically, but from my research and personal opinion, I just feel this is not only a much more pressing matter, giving video games an ethical context, it is also inherent to the ethical judgments of cheating. Before I can embark on evaluating if cheating in a video game is ethical or not, one must establish that playing video games produces an action which can be determined to be ethical or not. The prerequisite premise is too demanding to ignore.

As I stated before, I would still like to finish the paper in its entirety though U.Discover. Which means from I-V in the Outline. I mention this so that no one gets the impression that I am retreating from my original project or taking the easy way out. This is merely a way to present my research in a simple, focused, and understandable manner. It is also fortunate that most of what I am covering in the rules and magic circle sections of the paper tie into how we ethically judge cheating.

Hopefully I not making a bad decision on this one but I am hoping it will work out for the best for everyone,

B. F. Pons